Cheat Day Promoters 10 Key Foods to Avoid
Cheat day is a common trick of dietary promoters. It is used as a hook to draw people in to their program. But the promotion of a cheat day can bring devastating results.
Cheat Day Backlash
We got a call from someone recently that had just been to the emergency room. They could not think. They had no ability to communicate. This person thought that they were having a stroke!
Their spouse told the doctors that this response was probably linked to a cheat day meal. Wheat had caused this type of response in the past.
How did all of this start?
Innocent Mistakes
The family had been away at some event. They went out to eat with some friends. The restaurant mixed up their order of gluten free with a wheat substitute.
They hadn’t meant to have a cheat day, the restaurant made a mistake.
The introduction of wheat combined with a few other conditions led to the crisis with a trip to the ER.
Food Intolerance Responses
So let’s look at what happens when someone eats a food that they shouldn’t.
* The Gut Lining get inflamed.
* The Inflamed Gut Lining Starts to leak.
* The Leaking Gut releases toxins into the blood.
* The Gut flora begins to change.
* Pathogenic opportunists begin to proliferate in the gut.
* The liver gets overwhelmed trying to catch the flood of toxins.
* The toxins spill out into the blood.
* The increasing toxic load overwhelms the immune system.
* The immune system becomes hyperactive.
* Hyperactive immune systems can start autoimmune responses.
* The brain starts to leak.
* The leaking brain allows toxins in.
* Toxins in the brain disrupt nerve integrity.
* The brain and nervous system start to short circuit through a process called demyelination.
* Demyelination leads to neuropathy.
* The inflammation causes the adrenal gland to produce cortisol.
* Cortisol raises blood sugar.
* The rise in blood sugar causes a rise in insulin.
* Insulin & Cortisol turn on Aromatase that disregulates sexual hormones.
* Cortisol steals the sexual hormone precursors.
* HPA dysregulation follows.
Gut Lining
Just a mere 24 hours of inflammation can cause atrophy of the gut lining. The brush border atrophies into a smooth lining. As the brush border atrophies, gaps begin to develop between the cells. This allows the lining to leak.
As the brush border atrophies, the flora no longer has a place to attach, so it is carried away as the food passes through the intestine. The flora in no longer able to keep pathogens in check, which allows pathogens to grow in the gut.
As pathogens begin to grow, digestion turns into fermentation and putrefaction or decay. The byproducts of fermentation and putrefaction cause a rise in toxins and inflammation in the gut.
The submucosa, just below the lining thickens. The lymph glands in the submucosa enlarge, and fill with inflammatory byproducts. The submucosa also fills with inflammatory byproducts. The thickening and the inflammatory byproducts begin to restrict the blood vessels of the gut in the submucosa.
The inflammatory byproducts also irritate the nerves in the gut lining. This causes the vagus nerve to become hyper-reactive, changing the nerve input into the other organs and central nervous system. This can escalate into global organ dysfunction throughout the body.
Rising Toxins
As the toxic load rises in the gut, toxins begin to escape through the gaps between the mucosal brush border. These toxins cause an inflammatory response in the submucosa and the lymphatic tissues of the gut. The toxins that are not picked up by the lymphatic tissues are carried away to the liver through the blood vessels in the gut.
The rise in toxic influx into the liver can easily overwhelm the liver. Toxins then spill out into the blood and spread throughout the entire body.
Toxic Response
The rise in toxins causes several responses. The immune system becomes hyper-reactive, which can create autoimmune responses. The toxins try to escape through the secondary elimination organs: the skin and the lungs. Toxins begin to hide in fatty tissues.
The skin and the lungs become irritated through the toxic escape. This cause skin rashes and asthma like reactions.
HPA Dysregualtion
The toxins accumulate in the fatty hormone producing glands. As the toxins deposit in the hormone producing glands, the glands become unable to function properly. Hormones start to dysregulate, usually beginning with the thyroid and the adrenal glands. This leads to HPA Axis dysregulation.